1. Aim. The aim of Respite Provision (RP) is to contribute towards travel and accommodation costs of Service personnel and their accompanying immediate family permanently assigned to an overseas station in order to achieve overnight respite from their duty station. RP is awarded annually, irrespective of a FAD falling short of the entitlement anniversary.
2. Eligibility. All Service personnel and any accompanying immediate family who are permanently assigned to an overseas location and in receipt of permanent rates of Local Overseas Allowance are eligible for RP. The annual entitlement as at Apr 23 is £105 per person for 7 nights. RP may be combined with GYH(O) should the eligible SP so wish. Where the SP and entitled immediate family members choose this option, the RP entitlement can only be used for the accommodation element of their break from the LOA area. In this instance the travel element will be contributed to by GYH(O). Claimants are to comply with the rules and regulations of both GYH(O) and RP, when accessing both allowances for a single journey (or period). Children visiting their parents in accordance with the arrangements for School Children’s Visits are ineligible for RP.
4. Method of claim.
a. Refunds of RP costs are retrospectively claimed through the JPA Expenses Claim system as detailed in the JPA Self Service User Guide.
b. Claims are normally to be submitted within 14 days of completion of the journey in order to ensure that costs are attributed to the correct assignment year.
c. Respite journeys must be applied and approved including ILA (except weekends) prior to using Respite Provision.
d. SP are required to retain evidence of travel and expenditure to substantiate their claims.
5. Audit and Receipts.
a. Original receipts are required for all forms of travel and accommodation. Invoices are non-admissible as they are not proof of payment.
b. Google maps is to be used to measure distances converted to miles for MMA claims.
c. Cash payment for any transaction is strongly discouraged.
d. Tour and Travels agencies could be used, however the claimants must provide travel itinerary and proof of stay from hotel accommodation.
e. Claimants must retain the supporting receipts and documentation for a period of 24 months from the date of submission of the claim.
For further information, please contact your Company Clerk.