Tuesday 23 April 2024

Brunei: DIO(B) - Gas Safety Works – Phase 2 Natural Gas Decommissioning Programme Schedule

Helpdesk Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday      07:30hrs to 16:30hrs
Friday                             07:30hrs to 13:30hrs

DIO Fault Priority Matrix

Click here to view DIO Fault Priority Matrix.


Gas Safety Works – Phase 2 Natural Gas Decommissioning

1. DIO (B) will undertake an estate wide Natural Gas (NG) Decommissioning by following work below:

a. Replace gas cooker to electric cooker.

b. Replace gas water heater to electric water heater.

c. Construct concrete plinth for installation of electric cooker.

2. Temporary electric cooker will be provided to minimise the disruption while works are ongoing.

3. Works to carry out for 2 days for each quarter. Occupant to cooperate and provide access for works to execute.

4. Utilities may be affected during the work, but DIO contractors will try to minimise disruption.

5. To reschedule, please kindly contact DIO(B) Helpdesk by using one of the following means:

a. Phone number: 3224130 or military ext 3375

Email: BRUNEIGAR-DIO-HelpDesk@mod.gov.uk or DIORDOSTrg-BruHelpdesk@mod.uk during office hours.

There is an upcoming project for installing Auto Backwash Filter in X2 area.

The contractor will install the Backwash Filter outside the house. Work will commence once we have the filters in our DIO(B) store.

The installation process will be split into 3 phases.

Phase 1 – X2/01- X2/12 (12 Houses)

Phase 2 – X2/13-X2/22 (10 Houses)

Phase 3 – X2/23-X2/34 (12 Houses)

We will send another notification once we have the exact installation dates.



1. The DIO (B) Helpdesk opening hours are as follows:

a. Monday to Thursday      07:30hrs to 16:30hrs
b. Friday                             07:30hrs to 13:30hrs
c. Saturday to Sunday       Closed

2. All fault reports are to be directed to either military extension number 3375 or civilian phone number 3224130.

3. Urgent and routine fault reports emails are to be directed to BRUNEIGAR-DIO-HelpDesk@mod.gov.uk. This is to be used for URGENT and ROUTINE repairs only.

Do NOT email faults that require emergency and very urgent call outs.

4. All out of hours emergencies are to be directed to the Duty Officers as shown below.

a. RGR Duty Officer          00673 8330220
b. Garrison Duty Officer    00673 8330230