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Thursday, 27 March 2025

Service Family Accommodation (SFA) Communications Update - 26 March 2025

Reduce the risk of lead in drinking water

Lead pipes may still exist in Service Family Accommodation built before 1970, but DIO and our repairs contractors are committed to removing them during modernisation.

The risk of exposure to lead is very low but the following steps can help to reduce lead levels in drinking water in older properties:

  • Only drink water from the mains supply in your kitchen.
  • Before you drink, cook or clean your teeth, run the cold taps first thing in the morning (the amount to fill a washing up bowl should be sufficient) to flush out water that has been standing in pipes overnight.
  • If you have been away from your home for a long period, run hot and cold taps for at least 5 minutes to prevent legionella.

The UK has a very safe water system, but these precautions will help to lower the risk. For more information visit the Drinking Water Inspectorate’s website

Reporting Sewerage Spills

Should you notice a sewage spillage or leak, please report this directly to the Pinnacle Helpdesk on 0800 031 8628 and follow Option 1 for Repairs.

SFA Roadshows

SaluteMyJob: Pathways programme to enhance cyber leadership opportunities for veterans

SaluteMyJob expands their innovative pathways programme with exciting partnership with Ofsted-skills provider to enhance cyber leadership opportunities for veterans and police officers

For a decade, social enterprise SaluteMyJob has been helping ex-military personnel upskill into areas with a notable cybersecurity skills gap, with many candidates going on to make their mark in multi-national companies. And now, an exciting partnership is set to fast-track more veterans and police officers into a career in cybersecurity with their Accelerated Cyber Leadership Pathway.

Going Forward into Employment (GFiE): Crown Commercial Service Senior Project Manager Role, multiple locations - available exclusively to Service Leavers, Veterans and Military Spouses/Partners

The following vacancy is now open for applications under the GFiE Scheme, at the Civil Service grade of Band 5 (Grade 7), and a salary range of £56,031 - £62,261:

GFIE-424 - Senior Project Manager - Crown Commercial Service

Liverpool / Norwich / Birmingham or Newport

Closing Date: Sunday 13th April 2025

Job Description

​GFiE roles are available specifically to people who served in the Armed Forces, or be in your resettlement period and due to leave the Armed Forces within a reasonable time frame or a Military Spouse/Partner (your current partner must still be serving or was discharged within the last 12 months).

To apply, please submit a completed EOI Form (also see Guidance notes) and an up to date CV to

For more information on the GFiE scheme please go to: A complete guide to GFiE – Veterans, Military Partners/Spouses and Service Leavers – Life Chances – Going Forward into Employment (GFiE) (

Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Visa Fee Increase – 9th April 2025

Some Visa fees will be increasing from 9th April 2025; a full list of the increases can be found here.

A summary of the increases that may affect our Service Community are in the image.

Brunei: BFB Job Vacancies - Closing Date: Thursday, 10 April 2025

British Forces Brunei (BFB) Entitled SPOUSES Job Vacancies:

Dental Nurse
AWS Community Support Worker
Bus Escorts 

  • Open only to spouses of BFB entitled Service Personnel or Civil Servants
  • Closing date: GMT 23:59 OR Brunei time at 12:00 noon on Thursday, 10 April 2025
  • Interviews will be done virtually and are likely to take place beginning of May 2025

Interested candidates should email the LPPO group mailbox at to request for an application form.

For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact LPPO.

Monday, 24 March 2025

Kent University Space Week - 06th - 10th August 2025

Kent University Space Week, which is being held again this year and falls during the summer holidays and might be of interest to some of the elder children when they arrive from Brunei.

Space week will be on the 6th - 10th August 2025 for the same ages as last year.

Pre-registration can be accessed here:

Pre-register your interest here:



VE Day 80 – Hold a Brew and Bake for Combat Stress

This year marks the 80th anniversary of VE Day, and Combat Stress would very much appreciate your help celebrating it with a Brew and Bake Coffee Morning - a great way to bring people together over coffee and cake while raising funds for veterans’ mental health.

The official Brew and Bake day is Thursday 8 May 2025 – VE Day, but events can be held on any date that suits. Every pound raised will help Combat Stress provide their life-changing mental health treatment to veterans today.

Find out more and sign up here to get sent a Fundraising Pack:

Department for Work & Pensions (DWP): Don't miss out on your State Pension entitlement

The 5 April 2025 deadline for paying voluntary National Insurance contributions to fill any gaps in your record between 2006 and 2018 is approaching. To support anyone wishing to check their records, or make a payment, there is now a DWP video and an online form to request a callback.

Watch the DWP video How to check your State Pension and pay for gaps in your National Insurance record on YouTube:

DWP’s online form is available to request a call back at:

Friday, 21 March 2025

Brunei: RMP Vacant Property Survey - Register your property as vacant to trigger extra patrols

Please click on the image to enlarge.

The Vacant Property Survey allows the RMP security team to identify those houses that will be vacant during leave periods more effectively and to trigger more frequent security patrols.

Click here Vacant Property Survey or Scan the QR Code.

Brunei: DIO - Water Flushing Regime to reduce Legionella Growth

What is water flushing?

Water flushing is a method undertaken to prevent the build-up of conditions favourable to the growth of Legionella and other bacteria within hot and cold water systems. It does this by:
Introducing fresh cold water containing residual disinfectant
Exposing pipework to temperatures at which Legionella bacteria is discouraged
Dislodging biofilm through the simple act of running water

A water flushing regime should be designed so that it allows for the whole dead-leg (section of stagnant water) to be removed.

The water should be purged long enough for circulating or freshwater to be drawn from the outlet - indicating that all stagnant water has been expelled.

Water Flushing Regime to reduce Legionella Growth.

· Water flushing needs to be conducted once a week for any low use water outlets. These consist of outlets within empty quarters/buildings or low use facilities that have water outlets within them.

· Water flushing takes a minimum of 5 minutes for cold and/or hot water outlets.

· Water outlets consist of anything that produces water – kitchen/bathroom/basin/garden taps, showers, hoses etc.

· Building Custodians are required to keep a record of what outlets have been flushed and when, to prove that flushing has been conducted.

Water Flushing record log.

The table below is an example flushing record log:

Please click on the image to enlarge.

Brunei: Bingo @ The Patio Bar - Friday 21 March 1830hrs

Brunei: AWS Community Support - Easter Activities

Please click the image to enlarge.

Please click Here for parents to book Easter activities or scan the QR Code above.

Blue Light Card: Spring Saver Weekend 28–31 March

We’re excited to share that Blue Light Card is bringing you the Spring Saver Weekend – think Black Friday, but in the spring! Don’t miss out during this event we are bringing you some special Spring discounts!

When? Friday 28th – Monday 31st March
Who? Blue Light Card members
What? Exclusive discounts from top brands!

Join 5 million members already enjoying savings from brands like Halfords, Odeon, AEG, Parkdean Resorts, Gymshark, New Balance, and many more! Whether you're refreshing your wardrobe, upgrading your home and garden, or treating yourself, there’s something for everyone.

Here is a sneak peak of some exclusive offers across the Spring Saver Weekend

- Wagamama
- Debenhams
- Shark
- Ninja
- Seasalt Cornwall
- Sony
- Halfords
- And so many more!

Access Blue Light Card's Spring Saver Weekend details here

Not a member yet? Eligible staff can sign up now at and start saving!

National Memorial Arboretum: Talent in the Ranks Artist Development Programme 2025

For more information, please contact

Aurora New Dawn: Armed Forces Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Stalking Helpline launches on 31 March

On 31st March 2025 @ 09:00 Aurora New Dawn are delighted to be launching the first helpline for Royal Naval, British Army, and Royal Air Force personnel and their family members who are victims and survivors of: 
  • Domestic abuse
  • Sexual violence
  • Stalking

Coverage is available for all UK forces personnel and their families including those deployed abroad. The service is independent, confidential, and free - with phone and WhatsApp functionality available.

Callers from outside of the UK may need to dial 00 44 333 091 2527

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Brunei: NAAFI - Chautari will fully reopen tomorrow evening - Friday 21st March!

Chautari will fully reopen tomorrow evening (21st March)! Come along and celebrate the reopening of the newly refurbished Chautari.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Brunei: BFPO - Post Office Closure on 21 March 2025

The British Forces Post Office, located in Chit Chat Community Centre, will be CLOSED on the following dates:

Friday 21 March 2025
Monday to Wednesday 31 March to 02 April 2025
Friday 18 April 2025
Monday 21 April 2025

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 0930 - 1230 

Exchange Rate:

March - £1.00 = $1.6907


As of this Monday 17/02/25. There will be a change to the Counter Opening Hours for the Post Office. Timings below.

Counter Opening Times

Mon – Fri


UPO collection times


1200-1300 (Depending on mail arrival times)

Tue – Thu

0930 – 1300


1130 – 1230 (Depending on mail arrival times)

Post Office Closure Dates

The British Forces Post Office located in Chit Chat Community Centre will be CLOSED on the following dates:

24/02/25 - 41st Brunei National Day

27/02/25 - GST Visit to Bandar

03/03/25 - 1st Day of Ramadhan

17/03/25 - Revalation of the Qu’ran

31/03/25 - 02/04/25 - Hari Raya Aidilfitri

18/04/25 - Good Friday

21/04/25 - Easter Monday

Due to the majority of our workforce being Muslim, we will not have the ability collect mail on their religious and public holidays.

Mail Services

All mail services from the BFPO 11 are with immediate effect back online, however the following conditions apply:

Restricted items in the mail (BFPO 11 Service)

1.      Dried Food Articles. Postage of dried food articles, including fish, tea and coffee are subject to the following conditions:

        a.      A maximum of 5kg per entitled person per week, up to 20kg each calendar month and parcels are to be packaged separately.

2.      Sold goods. Commercial postage of clothing, apparels and services for personal gain through the BFPO is strictly prohibited.

3.     Any misuse of BFPO services, such as using them for personal business purposes, constitutes an abuse of resources and is subject to disciplinary action. Misuse compromises the integrity and efficiency of services intended to support BFB’s Directives.

British Forces Post Office Services

British Forces Brunei post office is located in the Chit Chat Community Centre.

The BFPO system can be used to send and receive post from the UK.

All mails are distributed to work addresses only.

Authorised personnel

All BFPO services are available to entitled personnel only, which includes:

- Service Personnel & Families

- UKBC / Teachers & Families

Relatives and other UK or foreign civilians are to use local banking and postal services as they are not classed as authorised, under the MoD provision.

Brunei: General Driving Standards



A. BFB Standing Order 1007 Annex A dated 14 September 2022.

1. These Standing Orders require that all BFB personnel maintain the following standards when in charge of a vehicle, driving and/or travelling as a passenger in a vehicle. These standards apply in all locations in Brunei (whether on public roads, BFB establishments or elsewhere). Breach of these standards may lead to administrative action, disciplinary action, and/or Bruneian penalties or prosecution.

2. Basic safety standards.

a. Seat belts are to be worn at all times by all occupants.

b. Children are to be restrained in an approved Car Seat (i.e. in the seat that the relevant child would be legally required to use if they were travelling in a vehicle in England and Wales).

c. Displayed speed limits are to be adhered to. Where no speed limit is displayed within residential or business areas, vehicles are to adhere to a speed limit of 50 km/h.

d. Communication devices (including but not limited to mobile phones and tablets) are not to be used in a manner that would not be legal in England and Wales when driving.

e. Driving when under the influence of alcohol (i.e. when in a condition in which it would be illegal to drive under the law of England and Wales) is strictly forbidden.

3. The following acts are prohibited:

a. Driving a motor vehicle without due care and attention; i.e. in a way that falls below what would be expected of a competent and careful UK driver.

b. Driving a motor vehicle without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road or place, so that they are inconvenienced by the driving.

c. Driving a motor vehicle dangerously, i.e. in a way that falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful UK driver and is obviously dangerous.

d. Driving a motor vehicle in a dangerous state, i.e. when it would be obvious to a competent and careful UK driver that driving the vehicle in that state would be dangerous.

e. Driving a motor vehicle when unfit to do so through drink or drugs, i.e. when, due to consumption of alcohol or any other intoxicant, the driver’s ability to drive properly is impaired.

f. When driving a motor vehicle; failing to stop, and/or failing to provide service number, rank and name, if in any way involved in a collision or other road traffic incident.

g. Having driven a motor vehicle that was in any way involved in an accident or other incident causing injury or damage, failing to immediately report the accident or other incident to the chain of command.

h. Driving, or permitting another person to drive, a motor vehicle without a valid driving licence for the class of vehicle in question.

i. As a provisional licence holder, driving a motor vehicle without:

(1) Clearly displaying proper ‘L’ plates on the front and rear of the vehicle (as would be required for learners in England and Wales); and

(2) Being supervised by a person of at least 21 years of age, qualified to drive that type of vehicle and who holds, and has held for at least 3 years aggregate, a full driving licence, and who is present in the vehicle (or on another motorcycle in the case of a motorcycle).

j. Driving, or permitting another person to drive, a motor vehicle (other than a service vehicle when properly authorised to) without a valid insurance policy covering 3rd party risks.

k. Riding, or being a passenger on, a motorcycle without wearing a proper helmet (i.e. a motorcycle helmet that would be legal for motorcycle use in England and Wales).

l. Riding a bicycle without due care and attention, i.e. in a way that falls below what would be expected of a competent and careful UK cyclist; or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road or place.

m. Riding a bicycle dangerously, i.e. in a way that falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful UK cyclist and is obviously dangerous.

n. Riding a bicycle when unfit to do so through drink or drugs; i.e. when under the influence of alcohol, or any other intoxicant, to the extent of being incapable of having proper control of the bicycle.

o. Failing, without reasonable excuse, to adhere to any official traffic sign or road marking (for example by exceeding the speed limit or parking on double yellow lines).

p. Breaching the speed limits that apply within Medicina Lines (15 KPH) or Tuker Lines (20 KPH).

q. Parking outside of designated areas. Areas where parking is not permitted are marked / notified by either:

(1) ‘Double Yellow’ lines.

(2) ‘No Parking Signs’.

(3) Notifications on Part One Orders.

r. Being in charge of a motor vehicle, meaning in control of it preparatory to driving it, when unfit to drive through drink or drugs; i.e. when, due to consumption of alcohol or any other intoxicant, the person in charge’s ability to drive properly is impaired (unless it can be proven by the impaired individual that there was no likelihood of them driving the vehicle whilst they were so impaired).

4. Officers, NCOs and duty personnel who have reasonable grounds to suspect that a vehicle is being driven within BFB establishments by a person under the influence of alcohol are authorised to stop the vehicle. If they have reasonable grounds to believe that the driver is a person subject to service law or a civilian subject to service discipline, and that the driver is under the influence of alcohol (e.g. smell of alcohol, slurred speech, unsteadiness or any other indicator), then they are to order them to drive no further, including the distance from the place the vehicle has stopped to the barrier, if deemed necessary. The driver is to comply with such an order.

5. Compliance. Non-compliance of the above in accordance with BFB Standing Order 1007 may result in:

a. Fines or criminal court proceedings issued by the Bruneian authorities;

b. Disciplinary Action; and / or

c. Administrative Action.

Brunei: NAAFI Closure & Refurbishment Announcement

Please be aware that the NAAFI will be closed from Tuesday, 25th March, until Friday, 28th March, as we begin a much-needed refurbishment.

Service will be disrupted from Saturday, 22nd March, until the closure on 25th March, with further disruptions expected until the refurbishment is fully completed.

If you require any items that are not on sale whilst the shop is closed or service is disrupted, please speak to a member of staff, and we will do our best to assist.

The Bulk Issue Store will remain open during this time.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Brunei: Monkey Guarding - Monkey Adventure Walk - *next date* Thursday, 20th March 2025, 5 PM @ Panaga

*New DATES* Monkey Adventure Walk - 5 PM @ Panaga

Please click the image to enlarge.

Kindly sign up using the link below. You can find out more information about Monkey Adventure Walk and about what we do on our website.

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Brunei: Temporary Closure of Regimental Accountant's Office (RAO) - 26 March - 11 April

The Regimental Accountant’s Office will be CLOSED from 26 March to 11 April 2025 for Service Charitable Funds, monthly closedown procedures and Easter Leave.

Normal operating hours will RESUME on Monday 14 April 2025 from 08:00
to 12:30hrs.

Brunei: Kindly requested to order the BFB Colours Day T-Shirt by 19 March 25

Kindly requested to order the BFB Colours Day T-Shirt by 19 March 25.

As we prepare for BFB Colours Day, I plan to bring the T-shirts from Nepal during my Easter leave. Therefore, please collect the T-shirt sizes from your Coy / dept, including those for spouses and children, and submit them by the deadline above. Please forward this email link within your AOR. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Please order your BFB Colours Day 2025 T-Shirt here.(Access by MODNet User only) 

Each T-shirt costs only $10 (Brunei Dollar )
  • What - BFB World Colours Day Celebration
  • When – Friday, 09 May 2025, from 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM
  • Where - Garrison Sports Complex
  • Who - Wider BFB Community
  • Why - To celebrate BFB World Colour Day, uniting BFB service personnel, civilian staff, and our families in a spirit of inclusivity and camaraderie.
  • Attraction – Full of entrainment (DJ, Live music, and Zumba dance), Face painting and bouncing castle for kids, and various food and drinks stalls.
  • Entry fee - $5 per person, free for those below age 3. Free various colours will be provided for ticket.
  • Dress code - BFB Colours Day T-Shirt.

Women in Defence Awards 2025 – Nominations now open, including new International category

The Women in Defence Awards 2025 are now open for nominations, until 2 May 25.

This year there is a new International category; the International Award is designed to recognise individual women or groups of women completing exceptional work in support of the defence of their own country. This award is open to individual women, groups or teams, as members of the Armed Forces, Civil or Public services, or those who work in Defence industries or associated bodies. Locally Employed Civilians (LECs) in overseas locations have been confirmed as eligible for this category.

Details of all categories and how to nominate can be found at: Women in Defence UK | Awards 2025 Criteria

Help for Heroes: Seeking Help and Recovery College Courses

Help for Heroes have a new leaflet to explain how they can support, and how to access this. To view the leaflet please click HERE.

There is also a range of courses available through the Help for Heroes Recovery College. Information and the prospectus can be found on the Help for Heroes website:

For further details on Help for Heroes services and how to get in touch, please go to:

Brunei: DIO(B) - Scheduled Work for March - April

DIO contractors will be carrying out inspection works as shown in the tables below. Utilities may be affected during the work but DIO contractors will try to minimise disruption.

To reschedule, please kindly contact DIO(B) Helpdesk either via phone Calls Ext.3375 or 3224130 or Email: or during office hours.


Monday, 17 March 2025

Brunei: Guide to renew your passport – British passport holders

1. Submit your passport and a passport size photo to the Regimental Admin Officer (RAO) for a Special Pass. If the passport belongs to your spouse or child, a copy of the head of family’s passport and OGS must also be attached.

The Special Pass will be issued by KB Immigration and acts as a legal document for you to stay in Brunei while waiting for your new passport to arrive.

The Special Pass is valid for one month from the date it was stamped. If the new passport hasn’t arrived within one month, you are required to submit the Special Pass back to RAO for an extension. Please do this before the Special Pass expires.

The Special Pass cannot be taken out of Brunei.

2. Follow the instructions on the link to Renew Passport Online

It costs £88.50.

You’ll need:
  • a digital photo
  • a credit or debit card
  • your passport

3. When your new passport arrives, please submit it to RAO, together with the old passport and the Special Pass, making sure the Special Pass date is still valid. The OGS will be transferred to the new passport.


If you renew your passport in your country of origin while on holiday, you must bring back your old passport to Brunei. Please make sure the entry stamp is shown in the new passport upon arrival at Brunei International Airport.

You are not required to cancel your OGS when renewing your passport.

Saturday, 15 March 2025

Brunei: The British Forces Brunei (BFB) Welfare Information Pack

Please refer to BFB Welfare Information Pack below for contact numbers of BFB Welfare team and information about Welfare provisions available to you within BFB.

Contact details:
  • BFB SO2 Welfare & GSO: 3224101 Ext 3202  Duty Mob: +673 8330279
  • 1RGR Unit Welfare Officer (UWO): 3224101 Ext 3216  Mob: +673 8330231
  • GST UWO - GCWO: 3224101 Ext 3219 
  • 230 Sqn UWO – Adjt: +673 8310142 
  • AWS (PS): 3224101 Ext 3300  Mob: +673 8330232
  • AWS(CS): +673 8330235
  • BFSWS(O): 3224101 Ext 3371
  • HIVE CCCC: +673 3223809  MCC:+673 3332309 
  • Lead D&I Advisor: 3224101 Ext 3288  Mob +673 8351451 
  • Pandit Ji: +673 8330234
  • 24-hour duty contacts for the Garrison in Brunei are as follows: 
    • BFB Combined Duty Officer: +673 8330220 
    • Duty Field Officer: +673 8330240

Friday, 14 March 2025

Brunei: 230 Sqn Final Flight - Monday, 17th March 2025 @ Medicina Lines

Brunei: Temporary Closure of Medicina Lines Main Car Park

The Medicina Lines Main Car Park including the entrance area will be CLOSED for the period of 16 to 22 March 2025 in order to facilitate the draw down of 230 Sqn 33 ISO containers will be delivered and stored on the Medicina Lines main car park. All vehicles are to be removed from the car park by 08:00 on 16 Mar 2025. Personnel should also be aware of an increased volume of Heavy Goods Vehicles during this period. During this period of closure, the fire assembly point will be relocated to the DIO car park. 

Limited access to the car park will resume from 23 March until end of June 25.

Any questions regarding this please contact the 230 Sqn Operations Officer or

Brunei: The Art of Living - The Happiness Program - Friday, 21st - Sunday, 23rd March 2025

Please click the image to enlarge.

Please register HERE.

For further information, please contact:
Ravi: +673 8731503
Swati : +673 7411423

The above meditation CSE cost is BND150.

Brunei: Panaga Club Information - Blood Donation - Sunday, 20th April 2025, 8 AM - 12 PM @ Main Hall, Panaga Club

Please click the image to enlarge.

Online Payment Tool

Did you know that paying your bills online is super-efficient and convenient?

No more long queues or rushing to beat the closing time!

Online payment option to pay club fees can be accessed via this LINK.

This link is now also on each member’s Statement of Account, accessible via a QR code as shown below.

Please Click HERE to watch the video on how you can breeze through your payments with just a few clicks!

Panaga Club members can contact the Member Services Hotline: +673 745 2265 for general queries or Finance Hotline: +673 725 2442 for billing/payment queries.

                                Please click on the image to enlarge.


Contact No: (+673) 337 2265 (Tika) / (+673) 337 2930 (Janice)