Monday 25 September 2023

Winter Flu / COVID-19 Campaign

Guidance from Army Health Promotion: As we move towards the influenza & respiratory infections season, good respiratory hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections. These include:
Hand hygiene;

Cover mouth & nose during coughing & sneezing with disposable tissue & dispose of in nearest bin;
Sneeze or cough into elbow, if disposable tissue is not available;
If presenting with symptoms avoid contact with others.

Due to the spread of new CV-19 variant (BA.2.86) spreading in the community, the autumn vaccine programme has been brought forward for at risk groups and eligible persons in England (Autumn 23 - COVID-19 Vaccination Programme ). For information on the Welsh & Scottish Govts COVID-19 autumn programmes respectively, Wales COVID-19 vaccine Autumn Programme and PH Scotland COVID-19 Seasonal immunisation Programme.

Useful links:
Get Winter Strong: revisiting respiratory infection guidance for a safer season​

Living Safely with resp infections, including, COVID-19
What to do if presenting with signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection, including COVID-19.