Monday 19 June 2023

Brunei: School Children Visit (SCV) UNACCOMPANIED MINORS (UNMIN) Service


1. Royal Brunei Airlines no longer offers an UNMIN service from BWN – LHR (via Dubai) return flights for children over 12 years old. Where there are no airlines offering an UNMIN service, the parent should, in the first instance, contact the Movement Control Centre (MCC), who will advise on alternative options for travel.

2. The UNMIN service should be employed for children between 7 and 12 years of age within the SCV contract. Children aged over 12 may, on their parent’s authority, travel unescorted unless otherwise stated by the airline. Where the MCC is satisfied that no UNMIN service is available parents can either request to the lowest cost of one of the following options:

a. Reverse SCV. This entitlement is for one parent only, for each of the 6 annual school holidays and is per family, rather than per eligible child.

b. A publicly funded return flight, and if flight timings preclude travel in one day, overnight subsistence, for one parent to travel and collect/return their child(ren) by the most economical route.