Thursday 18 June 2020

MOD Service Personnel - Cohabitation Rules For Those In A Long-Term Relationship

The MOD’s policy on cohabitation in Service Family Accommodation (SFA) has changed.

If you have served for four or more years and can demonstrate that you are in a Long-Term Relationship (LTR), then you will be eligible to apply to cohabit with your partner in surplus SFA, where it’s available.

Soldiers eligible to cohabit won’t hold entitlement to SFA and so, if there is no surplus SFA at their place of work (i.e. within 50 miles of their posting location), they won’t be able to access SFA or Substitute SFA (a hiring).

Soldiers with PStatCat2 – primary parental responsibility – can also apply in accordance with this policy.

What is cohabitation?

The MOD defines cohabitation as a soldier living with their partner, who is not their legal spouse or civil partner, in an LTR.

What is classed as a long-term relationship (LTR)?

The MOD has a list of criteria defining an established LTR. You will need to be able to provide enough evidence of your established relationship of 12 months or more. This time frame was set by the Service People Policy Group (SPPG).

To read AFF's FAQ's on the new rules, CLICK HERE