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Thursday, 27 February 2025
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
Brunei: Shivaratri Puja - Wednesday, 26th February 2025, 1130 – 1230 hrs @ BFB Temple
Dress: Working / Comfortable attire for families.
Sequence of events:
· Mediation
· Puja
· Bhajan
· Prabachan
· Arati, Phool, Prasad & Tika (Blessings)
Background. According to sacred scriptures, the ritual worship of Lord Shiva on the SHIVARATRI festival falls on the 14th day of the dark fortnight in February or March every year. This fact is said to have been declared by Lord Shiva himself, when his consort Parvati asked him as to which ritual performed by his devotees pleases him the most. Even till date, devotees of Lord Shiva perform the ritual worship of SHIVARATRI with care and devotion. They observe day and night fast and give a sacred bath to Shiva Linga with honey, milk, water etc. It is believed that the worship of Lord Shiva with devotion and sincerity absolves a devotee of past sins. The devotee reaches the abode of Lord Shanker and lives there happily. He is also liberated from the cycle of birth and death and attains moksha or salvation.
Give Us Time: respite breaks for military families - 2025 dates are live!
Applications open for the Service Pupil Support Programme
Going Forward into Employment (GFiE): Latest Civil Service Job Vacancies for Service Leavers, Veterans and Spouses/Partners
The following vacancies are now open for applications under the GFiE Scheme:
GFIE- 416 – HMRC Criminal Investigator Officer
Multiple vacancies – UK wide
Job Description
Closing date: 4 Apr 25
GFiE roles are available specifically to people who served in the Armed Forces, or be in your resettlement period and due to leave the Armed Forces within a reasonable time frame or a Military Spouse/Partner (your current partner must still be serving or was discharged within the last 12 months).
To apply, please submit a completed EOI Form (also see Guidance notes and Flexibility Payment information sheet) and an up to date CV to
For more information on the GFiE scheme please go to: A complete guide to GFiE – Veterans, Military Partners/Spouses and Service Leavers – Life Chances – Going Forward into Employment (GFiE) (
Service Leavers' Guide - latest edition
The updated version of the Service Leavers' Guide has now been published on Gov.UK.
Please click here to read this edition online.
Monday, 24 February 2025
Brunei: Brunei Overseas Allowance Feedback
1. Info. This feedback is an opportunity to portray our views and submit feedback on the recent changes to Brunei Overseas allowances in order to provide a general view and its impact from everyone within British Forces Brunei. All the collated information will be analysed and forwarded to the higher chain (Bde/Div) for their necessary onward action.
2. Action. Please scan the QR code above or click here and complete the questionnaire with the utmost integrity.
3. Time. Please complete by 26 Feb 25.
DIO Service Family Accommodation (SFA) Communications Update - 21 February 25
Reporting damp and mould
Tackling damp and mould in SFA remains a top priority for DIO and our suppliers. Over 9,000 homes have already benefited from the delivery of damp and mould works since the taskforce stood up in 2023. In response to the works delivered, reoccurrence of damp and mould has been addressed in circa 85% of cases.
It is important that you report all cases of damp and mould and to let us know of any reoccurrence of the issue so that we can continue to tackle this. Please also see our guide for families that outlines helpful tips to prevent damp and mould developing in your homes.
We are aware of a recent IT issue which may have affected your ability to log damp and mould issues using the online repairs form on Pinnacle’s website. This has now been resolved; however, if you have used the online form to log an issue and have not yet received a follow up call, please call Pinnacle on 0800 031 8628, selecting option 1.
Any issues of damp and mould can also be reported by calling Pinnacle on 0800 031 8628 or emailing
Friday, 21 February 2025
Going Forward into Employment (GFiE): Latest Civil Service Job Vacancies for Service Leavers, Veterans and Spouses/Partners
GFIE- 419 Carers Allowance Administrative Officer
Two vacancies – Wrexham
Job Description
Closing date: 14 Mar 25
GFiE roles are available specifically to people who served in the Armed Forces, or be in your resettlement period and due to leave the Armed Forces within a reasonable time frame or a Military Spouse/Partner (your current partner must still be serving or was discharged within the last 12 months).
To apply, please submit a completed EOI Form (also see Guidance notes) and an up to date CV to
For more information on the GFiE scheme please go to: A complete guide to GFiE – Veterans, Military Partners/Spouses and Service Leavers – Life Chances – Going Forward into Employment (GFiE) (
Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: Reducing Veteran Homelessness Programme reopens for applications
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (the Trust) has announced a new round of funding under the Reducing Veteran Homelessness (RVH) Programme in a bid to deliver further sustainable, supported housing options for veterans in need.
The Trust is delivering this important programme on behalf of the Office of Veterans’ Affairs (OVA) in support of the government’s ambition to end veteran homelessness and ensure veterans have access to the support they need, including housing.
Current findings from the RVH programme
Following on from the initial awards made in July 2023, the Trust commissioned Alma Economics to consult with key stakeholders in the housing sector, including those awarded funds in the first round. Key recommendations from this consultation include:
- A need for increased support for veterans with acute, complex or multiple support needs.
- Promoting a needs-based approach to support provision.
- Addressing bottlenecks across the lifecycle of support provision.
- A focus on partnership working.
Both the RVH interim programme evaluation report and the summary of consultation findings are available to read on the Trust’s website.
Further funding available
Under this new round of the RVH programme, charities, local authorities and registered social housing providers can apply for up to £300,000 towards a project delivered for up to nine months.
There is also an opportunity for organisations to apply for an enhanced award of up to a further £200,000 where that work will fill a significant level of unmet need.
What applicants will need to show
Projects should improve the capacity of services in supported housing to better help veterans with a range of different needs. Full details of the programme priorities are mapped out in a Programme Guidance document available on the Trust’s website.
Op Fortitude
Funded projects will need to work with Op Fortitude, a UK wide referral pathway supporting homeless veterans or veterans at risk of homelessness, into housing.
Find out more
Want to know more about applying to the RVH programme? Full details are available at:
Application deadline is noon, 31 March 2025.
Brunei: BN Post Room Updates
The BN Post Room located in Tuker Lines will release new parcels and letters on Wednesday 26 February 2025 from 10:30hrs to 12:00hrs. Because the Post Office, Chit Chat Community Centre will be closed on Monday 24 February 2025 in conjunction of 41st Brunei National Day (In Lieu).
Brunei: PCMF and Dental Centre Notice - PCMF Closure on Monday, 24th February 2025
PCMF civilian line - 322 4893
PCMF military ext line - 3224101 Ext 3226
During out of office hours, our duty nurse can be reached via 833 0246.Dental can be contacted via the below number:
Dental military ext line - 3224101 Ext 3354
Dental mobile number - 8301856
Brunei: AWS Community Support Activities - What's On in BFB...
Brunei: BFB Ladies Night Programme - *Today* Friday, 21st February 2025, 1700 - 2359 @ CCCC
For the Zodiac Theme, you could consider incorporating colours associated with your zodiac sign, wearing relevant jewellery, or using face paint that symbolizes your sign.
Please do your best to match the Zodiac Theme, as there will be prizes for the Best Dressed and Raffle Draw as well!
Thursday, 20 February 2025
X-Forces: Self Employment Discovery 3-Day Online Course for Mil Spouses & Partners
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Brunei: Closure of RAO ADMIN OFFICE – Thursday, 20th February 2025
The RAO Admin Office will be Closed on Thursday, 20th February 2025 due to co-ordination planning for G1A inspection.
The office will be resume on Friday, 21st February 2025.
Brunei: Operation Neptune - Tide and Weather Forecast for 19 - 25 February 2025
Women into Employment 2025: Tues 18 March in London. Event for women from across the military community
Do you know a woman in the military community contemplating her next career choice? Are you at a crossroads and not sure where to turn next? Join us at this year’s Women into Employment (WIE25) event in London on Tuesday, 18 March 2025.
The full day will focus on how you bring the real YOU to the workplace. With an agenda packed with key points and ideas, you are guaranteed to take away some key points and ideas for the next steps in your career path. Register here for the event.
Women into Employment 2025 (WIE25) is the Forces Employment Charity’s flagship event and offers support to women from across the whole Armed Forces community, welcoming those of you preparing to leave the Armed Forces, reservists, veterans of all ranks, military partners, spouses and young people.
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Are you a family member of a Veteran who is suffering with addiction?
Places are limited and will go fast so to find out more or book your place email:
Funded by Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust
Service Police Confidential Crime Line, available 24/7 - You are not alone
Going Forward into Employment (GFiE): Latest Civil Service Job Vacancy for Service Leavers, Veterans and Spouses/Partners
The following vacancy is now open for applications under the GFiE Scheme:
GFIE-417 - AO Case Manager - Basildon
Job Description
Closing date: 10 March 25
GFiE roles are available specifically to people who served in the Armed Forces, or be in your resettlement period and due to leave the Armed Forces within a reasonable time frame or a Military Spouse/Partner (your current partner must still be serving or was discharged within the last 12 months).
To apply, please submit a completed EOI Form (also see Guidance notes) and an up to date CV to
For more information on the GFiE scheme please go to: A complete guide to GFiE – Veterans, Military Partners/Spouses and Service Leavers – Life Chances – Going Forward into Employment (GFiE) (
Monday, 17 February 2025
Brunei: BFSWS - Understanding Your Child's Behaviour Course - Starting from 18th February – 07th March 2025. Every Tuesday & Friday, 0830 - 1030 AM @ BFSWS Office, CCCC
Going Forward into Employment (GFiE): Latest Civil Service Job Vacancies for Service Leavers, Veterans and Spouses/Partners
The following vacancies are now open for applications under the GFiE Scheme:
GFIE- 414 Quality Assurance Analyst
Two vacancies: HMRC, Liverpool and Preston
Job Description: Quality Assurance Analyst
Closing date: 21 Mar 25
GFiE roles are available specifically to people who served in the Armed Forces, or be in your resettlement period and due to leave the Armed Forces within a reasonable time frame or a Military Spouse/Partner (your current partner must still be serving or was discharged within the last 12 months).
To apply, please submit a completed EOI Form (also see Guidance notes) and an up to date CV to
For more information on the GFiE scheme please go to: A complete guide to GFiE – Veterans, Military Partners/Spouses and Service Leavers – Life Chances – Going Forward into Employment (GFiE) (
Forces Employment Charity: Job Vacancy – Families Employment Advisor, Colchester/SE England
Forces Employment Charity is seeking a dedicated employment advisor. As part of a national team, you will provide employment and training advice and guidance to a remote caseload of spouses and partners of still serving Armed Forces and ex-service personnel (Veterans) in the UK and overseas with personal development and/or until they are settled in sustainable careers.
Reporting to the National Employment Projects Manager. This position is full-time, 35 hours per week with a salary of £29,000 per annum. This role is Home-based (with community outreach) in the Colchester region with community outreach throughout the region (Southeast, East of England, London).
The closing date for applications is midnight on 21 Feb.
To find out more and to apply for this role, please click HERE
Friday, 14 February 2025
Brunei: Nepalese Passport Renewal *TIMINGS* - Saturday, 15th - Sunday, 16th February 2025 @ Chit Chat Community Centre
0900 – 1000hrs (A Coy + GST)
1000 – 1100hrs (GRU personnel)
1100 – 1200hrs (B + C Coy)
1200 – 1330hrs (Lunch break)
1330 – 1500hrs (HQ Coy)
1500 – 1700hrs (SP Coy)
For Nepalese citizens who are employed locally in Brunei, timings has been allocated between 1130 – 1700hrs.
Nepalese citizen who are not part of British Brunei Forces are to bring 1 x $100 note for the payment of this service. Other miscellaneous documents remain the same for everyone, as per the HIVE page.
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Those who are unable to renew their passport on Saturday due to unforeseen circumstances, the passport renewal window will be from
Hereafter, could you please book an appointment for 15 / 16 Feb 25, along with completing the QR Code.
As the date / time slots are auto-generated on the embassy website, should there be no availability for 15 & 16 Feb 25, please select the nearest date.
The completion of QR Code is crucial as it will allow us to consolidate an accurate number of applications for the Embassy staffs to manage their expectation on the day of passport renewal service.
Lastly, timings for each Coy / Department will be disseminated by Wednesday to ensure seamless flow of renewal process, and mitigate bottlenecking the procedure due to everyone arriving at the venue at once.
15 – 16 FEBRUARY 2025
1. Original Passport and clear photocopy of photo page and NOK page (both in one single page)
2. Original Nepali Citizenship Card and photocopy (Clear Photocopy of Citizenship Card is also accepted).
3. A printed copy of completed application form in colour.
1. Log on to:
2. Choose type of application – Renewal.
3. Select Ordinary 34 pages and select ‘Proceed’.
4. In ‘Book Your Appointment’ page, select Appointment Country to ‘Other’ and Appointment Location to ‘NE, Kuala Lumpur’. Choose 15 / 16 Feb 2025 for biometric.
5. Follow the onward process to fill out the application form using the details as according to your current passport and Nepali citizenship card.
6. Once you complete the application form, print a copy of it.
7. Do not pay for the fee online.
Service Personnel and their family whose passport is going to expire before 31 August 2026 and left with less than six pages (counting both sides) are require to fill this form or scan QR code.
Brunei: BFB Education Learning Centre - A1 & B1 Registration Dates for the Spouses
Closing registration : 07th October 2024 by 2pm
Closing registration : 11th November 2024 by 2pm
Test : 16th February 2025
For any questions, please call +673-3224101 Ext 3797 or send an email to
Brunei: National Insurance Credits For Partners Of Armed Forces Personnel Overseas
What is National Insurance Credits?
If you’re not in paid employment, you might be able to qualify for National Insurance Credits. The National Insurance Credits that you receive will work to fill in the gaps in your National Insurance record and enable you to continue to receive certain benefits like Job seeker's Allowance and the State Pension.
There are two types of National Insurance Credits available: Class 1 and Class 3
Why apply for National Insurance Credits?
As a married or civil partner of a member of the armed forces, accompanying them to an overseas posting after 6th April 2010, and returning to the UK you might be eligible to get National Insurance Credits.
Credits can help to fill gaps in your National Insurance record, for example if you were not in work when you were with your partner on an overseas posting. Credits can make sure you qualify for certain benefits including the State Pension.
How to apply?
You will be required to fill in the form provided and sent it to HM Revenue & Customs. Please click HERE for the form.
To find out more about National Insurance Credits and how to apply for it please visit the website HERE.
The NI Credits application form can be obtained from the HIVE and the SSO Office.
Print and complete the form MODCA1 (using capital letters) to apply for Class 1 National Insurance credits if you’re the spouse or civil partner of armed service personnel and have been on an accompanied assignment outside the UK.
The Third Page of the form needs to be completed by the Unit Welfare Officer.
When to complete this form
You should not apply for National Insurance Credits more than four months before the confirmed end date of your accompanied assignment outside the UK and no later than the end of the tax year after the end of the assignment.
Click here for MODCA1 form.