Issue. As per the Brigade of Gurkhas Religious Festivals FOE 2024/25, the SHIVARATRI Puja falls on Wed 26 Feb 2025.
2ICs / CSMs to encourage all available SPs to attend the service.
Timing. 1130 – 1230 hrs. Please be seated by 1125 hrs.
Dress: Working / Comfortable attire for families.
Sequence of events:
· Mediation
· Puja
· Bhajan
· Prabachan
· Arati, Phool, Prasad & Tika (Blessings)
Background. According to sacred scriptures, the ritual worship of Lord Shiva on the SHIVARATRI festival falls on the 14th day of the dark fortnight in February or March every year. This fact is said to have been declared by Lord Shiva himself, when his consort Parvati asked him as to which ritual performed by his devotees pleases him the most. Even till date, devotees of Lord Shiva perform the ritual worship of SHIVARATRI with care and devotion. They observe day and night fast and give a sacred bath to Shiva Linga with honey, milk, water etc. It is believed that the worship of Lord Shiva with devotion and sincerity absolves a devotee of past sins. The devotee reaches the abode of Lord Shanker and lives there happily. He is also liberated from the cycle of birth and death and attains moksha or salvation.
Dress: Working / Comfortable attire for families.
Sequence of events:
· Mediation
· Puja
· Bhajan
· Prabachan
· Arati, Phool, Prasad & Tika (Blessings)
Background. According to sacred scriptures, the ritual worship of Lord Shiva on the SHIVARATRI festival falls on the 14th day of the dark fortnight in February or March every year. This fact is said to have been declared by Lord Shiva himself, when his consort Parvati asked him as to which ritual performed by his devotees pleases him the most. Even till date, devotees of Lord Shiva perform the ritual worship of SHIVARATRI with care and devotion. They observe day and night fast and give a sacred bath to Shiva Linga with honey, milk, water etc. It is believed that the worship of Lord Shiva with devotion and sincerity absolves a devotee of past sins. The devotee reaches the abode of Lord Shanker and lives there happily. He is also liberated from the cycle of birth and death and attains moksha or salvation.