Friday 23 February 2024

Tackling Sexual Offending in Defence - Strategy & Policy

Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation is unacceptable. Defence considers this to be grounds for termination of employment (if you are a Civil Servant or a Contractor) and/ or the discharge from the Armed Forces. From 19 Nov 22 there is a presumption that anyone in the Armed Forces found to have behaved in a sexually unacceptable way will be discharged.

In July 22 JSP 769 Sexual Exploitation and Abuse was published and is relevant to anyone who is employed by Defence.

Defence and the Services are taking decisive steps to keep our people and the public safe, by introducing new policies and measures to tackle unacceptable sexual behaviour. The vast majority of personnel act professionally and uphold Defence’s high standards and strong values. Some fall short.

Everyone in Defence must know and understand the key information in the policy summaries to understand what unacceptable sexual behaviours are, and how you can challenge and report them.

Everyone should also understand that supporting victims and survivors is a Defence priority. Every allegation will receive prompt and efficient investigation, which may result in administrative, disciplinary, criminal action, or termination of employment and/or the discharge from the Armed Forces.

How to call it out

We must all call out behaviours that fall short of our high standards and strong values. Defence’s ‘Sexual Harassment: What You Need to Know’ booklet provides relevant guidance on how to do this.

Quick Links to documents that we MUST ALL now read (they are each a single page):
20220719_1-page summary_Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.pdf
​​​​​​​20220719_1-page summary_Zero Tolerance to Unacceptable Sexual Behaviour - A Victim-Survivor Focused Approach.pdf
20220719_1-page summary_Tackling Sexual Offending in Defence Strategy.pdf

​​​​​​​Additionally, all UK Armed Forces personnel, Regular and Reserve are required to read and understand: 2022DIN01-073-Zero Tolerance to Unacceptable Sexual Behaviour A Victim Survivor Focused Approach