Monday 4 October 2021

Development Boosting Activity for Chidren

Wooden Puzzles

With these simple wooden puzzles, children get an early introduction to the satisfaction of putting pieces in their place. Puzzles are a self correcting learning tool for children. When children attempt to place a puzzle piece in it's place it will only fit if it is placed in the correct space. The act of trying, turning the puzzles and testing the fit, helps children to concentrate, learn problem solving and develop critical thinking and . Puzzles are also a fun activity to develop fine motor ability. Children need to develop strength in the muscles in their fingers so that they can grasp things and hold onto them. This will later give them the ability to hold a pencil. So, try this creative activity to keep your little one entertained while also boosting important developmental skills.

 Click HERE to read more benefits of Puzzles for Children.