Garrison Gym Opening Summer Stand Down Period (13 July – 18 Aug 24)
- The garrison gym will open between 1000 – 1800 hrs daily.
- All eligible gym users must be gym inducted prior to use, if gym induction required contact duty PTI of the day between 1000-1200 hrs.
- Weekly Spouse class will postponed until return to normal duties.
- Must adhere to gym SOPs and duty PTI instructions, failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.
Acclimatisation PT - As per JSP 375, Ch 41; acclimatisation to hot environment is mandated where this will take in the form of acclimatisation PT. CoC is responsible to for booking PT as required.
Ac Pt PT 19 Aug 24
Acc PT 03 Sep 24
Commander BFB has set the following guidelines for ease of understanding.
SE Asia - Visiting SE Asian countries doesn’t require to conduct Acclimatisation PT as the region is under subtropical climate condition, consider being in Brunei.
Nepal & Others - All SP returning from leave are to attend acclimatisation PT. “On a case-by-case basis those who can demonstrate that they have remained in areas with temperatures similar to Brunei for the duration of leave are to be recorded and their names will be held centrally as not being required to undergo the acclimatisation package.” CoC is responsible to make decision on the requirement and make appropriate booking for acclimatisation PT.