Monday 1 July 2024

Brunei: Non-UK Ask The Experts Session - Monday, 01st July 2024, 2030 - 2200 hrs Brunei Time via Teams

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After the success of last year’s Ask The Experts session, we will be holding another session on 1 July from 1330-1500 hrs UK Time (2030 - 2200 hrs Brunei Time).

Whether you are a non-UK Serviceperson, have family members not from the UK or are part of the Chain of Command with a responsibility for non-UK personnel or families, this is your chance to raise questions of those who deal with policy and casework questions on a regular basis.

The experts include the MOD lead for immigration matters, Regional Command Non-UK Support, the Non-UK lead for Army HIVE and a representative from the F&C Team at the Army Families Federation.

You can join us on Teams.