Thursday 8 June 2023

The WAC evaluation survey is now live

The WAC evaluation survey is now live, please take a moment to fill out a short survey and tell us what you think about the WAC. scheme, whether you currently claim or not we would be grateful for your views

Personnel who meet all the following criteria will receive the link to their MODNET email address:Regular or FTRS (FC) Service personnel
NATO rank OF5 or below
Assigned within the UK or Serving overseas unaccompanied
Have children aged 4-11 years old that reside in the UK
Children must be recorded on JPA

Please check your emails and complete the survey if you have received it. This is an exploratory survey linked to the uptake of WAC, completion is not mandatory, and you won't be disadvantaged if you don't take part. The survey is anonymous. To control access to the survey, participants are required to insert their Service number. Responses are not linked to personnel in any way. The information received will be analysed by the Defence Evaluation team. The analysis will be used by Armed Forces Families & Safeguarding (AFFS) to review the current WAC policy and support the development of future families policy.

The WAC evaluation survey will be open from 22 May – 21 June 2023

To find out more about Wraparound Childcare you can go to:

Discover my Benefits Army, RAF, Navy or Marines webpage (www)

Defence Childcare Portal on defnet or Defence Connect

Personnel and Service families can email the WAC team at