Friday 26 April 2024

Brunei: BFSWS - What are the Signs of Domestic Abuse?

Does Your Partner…..

Isolate you from friends and family?

Deprive you of food or heating?

Monitor your time?

check up on what you do online?

Take control over aspects of your everyday life, telling you where you can go, who you can see, what you can wear and when you can sleep?

Stop you from getting medical help or support?

Repeatedly put you down, such as saying you’re worthless?

Humiliate or degrade you?

Control your money and access to your home?

Make threats or intimidate you?

Has physically abused you?

You are not alone…..

In the year ending, an estimated 2.1 million adults aged 16 to 74 years experienced domestic abuse in the England and wales (by the end of March 2023) 751,000 men and 1.4 million women, and risks increase when a woman is pregnant. Over 105,000 children live in homes where there is high risks domestic abuse according to the ‘Safelives UK’. If domestic abuse is something that affects you there is help available.  

How we Can Help…..

If you are worried about your immediate safety and / or that of your children, please call the RMP on 8330251

Royal Military Police (non-emergency)

Tel: 3224101 Ext: 3767

AWS Personal Support Service

SSgt Jady Minhas

Email:,  Tel: 3224101. Ext:3300

BFSWS-Overseas Brunei Team

During office hours

Neil Whatley
Email:, Tel: 3224101. Ext: 3371, 8330224

For out of hours Duty Phone: 0044 (0) 808 168 3111

BFSWS (O) Email:

Other Sources of Information……..