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- CENTRAL SECTION: All the latest posts in date order:

Friday, 30 June 2023

Royal Mail, reinventing stamps for the next generations - Updated

Royal Mail stamps are changing, so what should you do with your old stamps?
We’re adding barcodes to all our regular ‘everyday’ stamps. These are the stamps that should be very familiar with you. They feature the profile of Her Majesty the Queen on a plain coloured background. The barcodes will enable exciting new services by connecting physical stamps to the digital world through the Royal Mail app which you can download here.

We’re giving you plenty of notice about this change and any non-barcoded stamps you have will still be valid until 31 July 2023. If you won’t be able to use all of your stamps by that date you can swap them out for new barcoded ones.

Special Stamps with pictures on and Christmas Stamps without a bar code will continue to be valid and don’t need to be swapped out.

For more information and how to ‘swap them out’ visit

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Op RESTORE - The New Name for the Veterans Trauma Network

Op RESTORE is the new name for the Veterans Trauma Network.

CLICK HERE​ for full details

Update for Tax Free Childcare for Non-UK National Personnel and Families

For more information, visit the Defence Childcare portal ​(on MODnet), Discover My Benefits or dial in to one of the Wrap Around Childcare Webinars.

To view/listen to the update, please CLICK HERE

Monday, 26 June 2023

Civil Service Weekly News: Special edition celebrating Reserves Day

During Armed Forces Week, we are marking Reserves Day (21 June) with a special themed newsletter celebrating our civil servants who choose to serve King and Country in the Reserve Forces. We also meet some of the recipients awarded honours in the King’s first Birthday Honours List. Whether you’re a reservist, a regular, a veteran, commemorating the Windrush generation or a newly-appointed honours recipient - we salute every one of you!

Also meet civil servants recognised in the Birthday Honours List.

Please click here to read Weekly News

Friday, 23 June 2023

Brunei: BFBS - BFB's Got Talent 2.0 @ CCCC Friday 7th July 1800 hrs

Tickets are available in Both HiVE Offices

Brunei: BFBS - Cake Competition @ CCCC Friday 7th July, 3 - 5:30 PM

Celebrating the Best of British Cars - passenger rides: Bicester Heritage, Wed 28th June

We welcome any member of the Armed Forces Community to our events, Veteran, Serving, Partner, Spouse or Child of (+18 to participate in passenger rides and minors must be accompanied at all times so may limit parent's ability to passenger ride if they come alone). ​

Veterans' Karting Championships: Round 5 at Coventry, Tues 4th July

Thursday, 22 June 2023

National Cyber Security Centre - Phishing: Spot and Report Scam Emails, Texts, Websites and Calls

​'Phishing' is when criminals use scam emails, text messages or phone calls to trick their victims. The aim is often to make you visit a website, which may download a virus onto your computer, or steal bank details or other personal information.

This link explains how to report phishing attempts, and protect yourself from scammers - CLICK HERE​

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

HIVE Supports Armed Forces Day Flag Raising

Our Chester HIVE Information Support Officer had the pleasure of attending the Armed Forces Day Flag Raising Ceremony at Chester Town Hall on Monday 19th June.

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Review of offer for serving personnel and their families published

The Haythornthwaite Review of Armed Forces Incentivisation (HRAFI) is an independent review of terms and conditions – the Offer – for Service personnel. It also seeks to determine ways to attract and retain new and next generations out to 2035 and beyond.​​ 
Click the link below to read the review.

Agency and Agility: Incentivising people in a new era - a review of UK Armed Forces incentivisation - GOV.UK (

Monday, 19 June 2023

Brunei: School Children Visit (SCV) UNACCOMPANIED MINORS (UNMIN) Service


1. Royal Brunei Airlines no longer offers an UNMIN service from BWN – LHR (via Dubai) return flights for children over 12 years old. Where there are no airlines offering an UNMIN service, the parent should, in the first instance, contact the Movement Control Centre (MCC), who will advise on alternative options for travel.

2. The UNMIN service should be employed for children between 7 and 12 years of age within the SCV contract. Children aged over 12 may, on their parent’s authority, travel unescorted unless otherwise stated by the airline. Where the MCC is satisfied that no UNMIN service is available parents can either request to the lowest cost of one of the following options:

a. Reverse SCV. This entitlement is for one parent only, for each of the 6 annual school holidays and is per family, rather than per eligible child.

b. A publicly funded return flight, and if flight timings preclude travel in one day, overnight subsistence, for one parent to travel and collect/return their child(ren) by the most economical route.

Friday, 16 June 2023

Non UK Live Q&A Session - 10th July

What: Pers Svcs are hosting a Non–UK focused live Q&A session that will be hosted on MS Teams.

When: Mon 10 Jul 13:30-14:15

​Who: The session is aimed at;

          - Non–UK Sp and their families
          - Members of the Multicultural Networks
          - The CoC
          - UWOs and Welfare Staff
Unit administration staff

Armed Forces Covenant Trust Fund Consultation - QR Code Poster

QR codes should be scanned from non-MOD personal devices only

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust want to hear from you

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (The Trust) has launched a summer consultation and they want to hear from you!

The Trust wants to ensure the funding they provide reaches those who need it most and makes a positive impact on the challenges currently affecting the Armed Forces community.

From 2024, the way the Trust distributes Covenant Fund monies will change and they want your help to plan the best use of this funding over the next three years. While the four key themes of the Covenant Fund will remain the same, how the money is distributed can be tailored to meet the needs of the community.

Throughout June and July, the Trust will be offering lots of opportunities to have your say.

The Trust’s summer consultation is your chance to help shape their three-year plan. They want to hear from people within the Armed Forces community as well as those working to support them. You can complete the consultation via their website and share your views about what you think the Trust should focus on over the next three years.

If you only have a few minutes to spare, you can still have your say by getting involved with their sister campaign, Tell Us One Thing. To make it as easy as possible for you to contribute, during June you’ll have the opportunity to answer one question each week and tell the Trust just one thing about the Armed Forces community.

Sonia Howe, Director of Policy at the Trust said: “We really hope you’ll take part in the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust's consultation this summer and tell us about the challenges you see for the Armed Forces community, now and in the future.

We had a fantastic response to our last consultation in 2022 which helped to shape the programmes that we are running this year. We now want to know what we should do over the next 3 years.

Your views and ideas are so important in helping shape our future funding programmes; so that we can ensure that our funding makes the biggest difference.”

Make your voice heard

The consultation runs from 12 June to 31 July 2023. You can complete the consultation by visiting the Trust’s website

Keep up to date with funding opportunities

For the latest updates and announcements on each of these Covenant Fund programmes, and any other funding opportunities the Trust has available throughout the year, sign up to their e-newsletter via their website

Advance into Justice - Prison Officer Recruitment for Service Leavers & Veterans

‘Advance into Justice’ Prison Officer Recruitment for Service Leavers and Veterans - Register Your Interest HERE​

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

BFPO EU Postal Update - June 23


In January 2023, BFPO informed customers of important changes when sending mail and parcels via the BFPO system to European Union member states as part of the European Union Import Control System 2 requirement. It’s important to note that these changes are not unique to BFPO mail and will be applied to all worldwide mail.

Please see here for more information.

The main change to BFPO customers sending items to EU locations is the introduction of Harmonised System Codes which need to be included as part of the business to customer/e-commerce item customs declarations. As a basic rule, businesses who send international mail should already be including Harmonised System Codes as part of their item data declarations and from the 01 July 2023 any items addressed to EU locations that do not have mandatory data fields completed will be at risk of being delayed or even returned.

For Service Families:

The inclusion of Harmonised System Codes as part of the customs declaration requirement for Private BFPO Customers, posting items over a Post Office Counter remains undecided and BFPO will provide updates once these are confirmed by Royal Mail.

At this stage private customers are encouraged to read guidance on how to identify Harmonised System Codes which they may need before visiting their local Post Office to add to customs declarations.

Information regarding Harmonised System Codes and how to look them up can be found here and BFPO customers can also view Royal Mail guidance on international mail customs declarations here, which also includes a video guide on how to complete customs declaration forms.

JSP 534 - Tri-service resettlement manual - Updated June 2023

JSP 534 - The Tri-Service Resettlement Manual has now been updated - see HERE for full details.

Monday, 12 June 2023

Broadband boost for military staff and their families

Better broadband is on the way for military personnel and their families. Teams across Defence have already improved broadband speeds and reliability for Service Family Accommodation (SFA). Working hard with industry partners, they’re ensuring everyone has access to high quality broadband. To read the full article, click HERE.

How can SFAs report a slow download speed issue?

We’re still making improvements and need your help to deliver the best service. If you’re a resident in SFA and suffer from poor download speeds, we’d like to know. Please take a screenshot of your speedtest and let us know the time and day of the reading. Send this to

SSAFA: Become a Community Connection Champion

#ConnectionMatters is the theme of this year's #LonelinessAwarenessWeek, and the wonderful groups and events that SSAFA's Community Connection Champions host are a chance to connect with others. Bowling, walking groups and art sessions - there's so much happening! If you are interested in becoming a Community Connection Champion, you can find out more here

Friday, 9 June 2023

Brunei: Are your belongings in transit? HIVE Mumong have some basic kitchen items you can loan...

With thanks to generous donations from our community, HIVE have a number of kitchen items which can be loaned to those with belongings in Transit. Making life in the kitchen a little easier! 

Pans, knives, mugs, plastic cups and children's plastic crockery and cutlery, along with chopping boards and egg cups! 

Just pop to the HIVE Mumong Office between 0900-1300 M-F to sign out the equipment for as long as you need! 

Brunei: BFB Education Learning Centre - Courses for SP & Spouses

BFB Education Learning Centre

Courses for SP & Spouses:

ICDL Course

This is a self-paced course that needs to be completed in a year once enrolled. Students can practice at the Education centre and get access to diagnostic test before sitting for the exam.

ICDL Level 1 - £82.56

ICDL Level 2 - £109.44


IGCSE First Language English evening classes will be running from 12th June - 28th September from 1800 - 2000Hr at Garrison Education Centre.

To enrol for the classes please contact on WhatsApp at 8772084 or Tutor at Education Centre.


For Service Personnel - $96 BND

For Spouse - $120 BND

ELCAS: Enhanced Learning Credits...


There are two types of Learning Support funds available for those working in the MOD

The first is Standard Learning Credits (SLC) up to £200 per year (use it or lose it) and the second is Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC) up to three lots of £2000 (subject to qualifying criteria depending on length of service).

To find out more about ELCAS, how you apply and to search course providers, head to the website: ELCAS - Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Services

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: Funding available for transformational work with the Armed Forces community

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (the Trust) has announced the launch of their Transformational Grants programme for 2023/24.

What’s it all about?

This highly specialised programme is designed to support a small number of projects that will bring about systemic change for Armed Forces communities. That is, permanent and significant positive changes or improvements where there are currently hidden needs not being met within the community.

Prioritising prevention

Building on learning gained from last year’s applications and awards, this year, the Trust will prioritise those projects with a clear, preventative focus, and where there will be a sustained legacy, whether in embedded good practice, improved knowledge and evidence, or in some other defined way.

The Trust clarifies that the best applications under this programme will:

* define a problem for a particular group of beneficiaries in the Armed Forces community

* clearly show that this need is not being met

* propose a new way of working or a new solution beyond that offered by any current provider, especially including a preventative approach.

What’s available?

Grants of up to £300,000 are available for projects up to five years in length.

An initial expression of interest stage is now open, and successful applicants will be invited to submit a full application later in the year.

The deadline for stage one expressions of interest is Monday 14 August 2023.

Sonia Howe, Director of Policy and Communications at the Trust, said: “We were truly inspired by the projects supported last year under the Transformational Grants programme. Each of the projects addresses the difficult challenges faced by those within the Armed Forces community. This year, we expect this programme to once again be highly competitive. We want to see applications that focus on preventative measures and where the need for the proposed work is very clear. I encourage those wanting to apply to read the useful guidance on our website, including what we have previously funded under this programme.”

Find out more

You can find full details of the programme priorities and eligibility on the Trust’s website:

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Togetherall: LGBTQ+ Pride Month – Military UK

Happy #PrideMonth. It's a time to celebrate and raise awareness of issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community. However, we know it's not always that simple for everyone.

If you feel like you need somewhere to talk, Togetherall has a community full of different people from all walks of life and it's completely anonymous.

​✅ There is no waiting list to join

Togetherall and it is accessible 24/7.

✅ FREE to anyone in the UK Military,

Veterans & Family members aged 16+

✅ Visit to join today.​

Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey 2023 Results

The Armed Forces Continuous Attitudes Survey (AFCAS) results for 2023 were published on 1 Jun 23.  To view the report please click HERE​

New Policy & Guidance for Overseas Assignments: Assessment of support needs

Where Service/MOD Civilians and their families are considering an accompanied assignment/transfer overseas, the MOD needs to assess whether the services and support available/accessible in the overseas location can meet their individual needs. The purpose of this policy is to describe the framework under which those needs are assessed, how decisions on supportability should be made and to describe the key roles and responsibilities in the assessment and decision-making process.
To view the policy booklet, please click HERE​

Location Overview

Brunei Location Overview

Monday, 5 June 2023

Brunei: The Gurkha Welfare Trust - Gurkha veteran Hari Budha Magar conquers Mount Everest

To read the full Click Here

To read more about GWT and visit their blog, to subscribe to the newsletter Click Here

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Brunei: Jaari Movie is here...Showing @ OGDC, Seria Energy Lab on 2nd June Fri, 3rd June Sat & 4th June Sun


To book a ticket, please scan the QR code above or click the link below.

02 June 1st Show  (1600 1900 Hrs)-

02 June 2nd Show  (1930 -2230 Hrs)-

03 June 1st Show (1600 -1900 Hrs)-

03 June 2nd Show(1930 - 2230 Hrs) -

04 June 1st Show (1200 -1500 Hrs) -

04 June 2nd Show(1600 -1900 Hrs) -